FAQ: Launch X431 PAD V

Here have collected some frequently asked questions about Launch X431 PAD 5 (PAD V) auto diagnostic tool. Hope it helps!

Q: Can x431 pad v do the following functions for Benz W205?

  • ECU programming
  • SCN coding
  • Gearbox or collision prevention assist or engine control module

A: Yes, it can.

Q: Does it support immobilization? Can i program keys with it without buying an immobilizer?

A: Yes, it supports. For VW, AUDI, Benz, BMW and other parts car models, it needs to work with X431G.

Q: When need to use the smart box to work with Pad V? Does it support online coding and programming?

A:  Smartbox 3.0 is a diagnostic connector, just like Bluetooth connector. It supports online coding and programming.

Q: Does it support BMW and Audi?

A: Yes.

Q: Does it support Indian car models?

A: Yes.

Q: Does the VCI of PAD V support truck? Purchase the truck authorization directly or the module for the truck?

A: Purchase the authorization.

Q: Can it replace ECU for 2017 c220 CDI 722.9 fbs4?

A: Yes, you need to do programming online.

Q: What’s the difference between X431 PAD V and X431 PAD Ⅶ? Can it work with the x431 HD3 module?

A: No, it cannot work with x431 HD3. You can purchase the extra heavy truck software, and connect with the smart box to do. 

To be continued…

Learn more:

Launch X431 PAD V (PAD 5) with Smartbox 3.0 Diagnostic Coding and Programming Tool:


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